ArchitectureH o s p i t a l i t y - H e a l t h c a r e
Project Area

3,35,000 sq.ft







With a Site of 25.5 acres area, a 30m wide road on its main length side on the East and a 26m wide road on its South side, the Strip Mall is expected to mainly cater to the 180,000 people working in Electronics City and the 10,000 people working in the Narayan Hrudalaya Health City Complex.

Our Strip Mall sheds the cookie cutter past to create a destination oriented flavor of Town Center. Programatically, with inclusion of F&B + entertainment oriented anchors, the lines blur between the functional, everyday Strip Mall and a regional Retail Center.

Neo-architectural designs of our Mall addresses the importance to attract ‘upscale’ IT consumer. Contemporary expression of bright colored perforated metal sheet facades with energy efficient LED lighting provides for branding a ‘glowing’ visual identity, during day and at night.

Lifestyle programming of road facing front of linear strips along with architectural scaling of height and animation of designs addresses the intention to attract traffic on arterial roads.

The “linear lifestyle” Design Concept spices up our strip by defining a new type of strip center: the HYPER STRIP.

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